Academic Procrastination and its Association with Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Health Sciences’ Students
Academic Performance, Association, Procrastination, UndergraduateAbstract
Background: Academic procrastination is the postponement of educational activities. Most university students try to keep themselves away from academic activities which might lead to procrastination and unsatisfactory performance.
Objective: To assess the level of academic procrastination and its association with academic performance and the demographic characteristics of undergraduate students.
Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study using a convenient sampling technique was conducted on 250 health sciences undergraduate students at Sohail University, Karachi, Pakistan from August to October 2022. Ethical approval and data collection permission were obtained. The Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students was used to gather data. The SPSS version-24 was used for statistical analysis. Simple descriptive statistics, spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient tests and independent sample t-test was applied.
Results: Mostly participants (53.6%) were female, 93.2% were single, and 46 % in the generic nursing program and 54% were in 3rd & 4th year. Students’ academic performance was insignificant with all the domains except writing a term (p-value 0.22, 0.5, 0.26, 0.37, 0.31 and 0.041 respectively). A significant relationship of students’ gender, education level and study program with academic procrastination was found (p-value 0.004, 0.021 and 0.002 respectively). Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Pharm-D programs did not show as much procrastination as compared to Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program (p-value 0.021).
Conclusion: This study showed the considerable behaviour of procrastination among undergraduates. There was a significant association between writing a paper and academic achievement. In addition, academic procrastination was significantly associated with gender and the enrolled program of the participants.
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