Simulation in health profession education in Pakistan: Bridging gaps, building futures


  • Jabeen Fayyaz Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto, Medical Director of SimKIDS, Teaching Scholars Programs, Staff Physician, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Simulation Educator at Learning Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children



Simulation Lab, Medical education, Pediatrics


Simulation-based education (SBE) has revolutionized health profession education (HPE) globally, addressing gaps in clinical training, patient safety, and competency-based learning. In Pakistan, the adoption of SBE reflects a growing acknowledgment of its potential to transform healthcare education in resource-constrained settings. However, landscape of SBE in Pakistan remains a dynamic interplay of opportunities and challenges.


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How to Cite

Fayyaz, J. 2024. Simulation in health profession education in Pakistan: Bridging gaps, building futures. Journal of Shalamar Medical & Dental College . 5, 2 (Dec. 2024), 55–57. DOI: