Nodular hidradenoma: A worrisome mass lesion


  • Sidra Dil Muhammad Department of Surgery, Government THQ Hospital Sabzazar (Managed by The Indus Health Network), Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Saad Faisal Department of Surgery, Sharif Medical & Dental College, Raiwind Road, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Abdullah Moeez Khan Medical Officer, Department of Surgery, Government THQ Hospital Sabzazar (Managed by The Indus Health Network), Lahore, Pakistan



nodular, hidradenoma, mass lesion


Nodular hidradenoma is a benign neoplastic lesion of the sweat gland which is rare in its occurrence. It commonly occurs in the upper trunk and extremities. Complete excision is the only surgical treatment and avoids recurrence. We herein report a case of nodular hidradenoma that presented as a right shoulder lump in a middle-aged woman. Clinical and radiological struggles were futile to establish a definitive diagnosis of this lesion. However, histopathology of the excised tumor unveiled the diagnosis of nodular hidradenoma.


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How to Cite

Sidra Dil Muhammad, Muhammad Saad Faisal and Moeez Khan, M.A. 2022. Nodular hidradenoma: A worrisome mass lesion. Journal of Shalamar Medical & Dental College . 3, 1 (Jun. 2022), 33–36. DOI: